Massage and Aromatherapy
Nelson Bay Port Stephens
I am an independent rep for Young Living Oils and it is my pleasure to make these available to you. You can purchase retail by following the link at the bottom of this page.Just follow the instructions below.For a wholesale discount of 24% discount please use the number below to join as a member. When you follow this link to the young living website, just put in sponsor id and enroller id number 1493350. You are on your way to a new balanced and healthy you.

For as little as $25 purchase a single Young Living therapeutic grade essential oil and see the benefits of these amazing healing oils. Click on the link below and put in my sponsor and enroller id to join as a member for $48 and receive a discount of 24%.
You will receive a 5ml bottle of stress away, an oil which helps alleviate stress, 5ml lavender,2 ninxia red sachets and a theives waterless hand purifier. A product guide listing all the oils, inner health products, cleaning and personal care products. You will also receive gifts with purchase when you purchase monthly as a rewards member.There is an opportunity to become a rep yourself and earn a monthly income from a very generous company who look after its customers.If you are interested in any of the above you can contact me now and we can help you forward on a wonderful journey of conscious living.

Every day essential oil kit. Everything you need in your home.
contains 5ml bottles of lavender, peppermint, lemon, purification, theives, pan away,frankincense, joy, peace and calming
Retail cost $290.30
As a member you pay only $220.65 and receive all the benefits offered above. Go to www.younglivingoils.com and put in registration number 1493350 to order or contact me and we can arrange your membership

Ninxia Red : ninxia red is a powerful anti-oxident. It has 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, betacarotene, vit B1,B2,B6,calcium, vit E and polysacchardes. It can strengthen the immune system, Ninxia berries have been studied for their ability to assist in supporting good health and wellbeing. It promotes free radical scavenging, supports the brain, cognitive health and digestive health. It fortifies the cardiovascular system. It promotes healthy blood pressure while promoting restful sleep. It is also delicious containing the essential oils of lemon, tangerine and frankincense which contain limonenes which support good health. Go to wellness/liquid wellness on Young Living website panel .2 bottles $133.60 retail or $101.55 wholesale

The new great offer is for a free oils diffuser with 11 essential oils (lemon,lavender, peppermint,orange tea tree, rc,frankincense, aroma ease,pain away stress away, 2 ninxia red samples, business cards and everything you need to get you on your way as a distributor. Honestly you will use everyone of these oils in your everyday medicine cupboard.It is the best offer at only $267 wholesale and this joins you as a wholesale member for any further purchases.Why not try my raindrop aromatherapy treatment if you are in Port Stephens and experience the power of these oils. Look at services page.
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