Massage and Aromatherapy
Nelson Bay Port Stephens
Aromatherapy Massage, Relaxation & Remedial Massage, Pregnancy Massage

Therapeutic and Remedial Massage. A gentle flowing massage which works on the muscular and nervous system of the body increasing blood flow to all areas resulting in relaxation of the body, mind and emotions.This type of massage in not a form of physiotherapy, but works with therapeutic and remedial massage techniques and the use of energy healing where people describe it like being transported to another place.Pregnancy massage is also available using similar treatment
1.15 hr $100

Raindrop Essential Oil Massage is a form of aromatherapy using therapeutic grade essential oils. These oils have been used as aromatherapy for centuries in ancient cultures to bring the body, mind, emotions & energy field into balance. The treatment involves reflexology to the feet using the oils, and massage to the back using a raindrop treatment with ten different essential oils . This treatment relaxes and invigorates, is healing and assists overall wellbeing.The oils have an anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial effect and therefore assist the body and overall health and immune system. 1.15 hr $130

Chakra and Emotional balance is a Raindrop Aromatherapy Massage with an energy sweep and chakra clearing with the use of the foot and body essential oils as above and the emotions kit oils These essential oils by Dr Gary Young of Young Living help the energy field of the body by changing the vibrational frequency from a low sickened state to a higher vibrational frequency where optimal health and healing can take place.You will also be transported to a state of euphoria.
1.5hrs $180